Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Diamond Dreams

Welcome to the FAQ section of Diamond Dreams, your trusted destination for exquisite moissanite jewelry. Below, we've compiled answers to some of the most common questions our customers ask. If you have any additional inquiries or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Q: What is moissanite, and how does it compare to diamonds? A: Moissanite is a rare and naturally occurring mineral, but it's also synthesized in laboratories to create stunning gemstones. Known for its exceptional brilliance, fire, and durability, moissanite often surpasses diamonds in sparkle and clarity. Plus, moissanite is more affordable and ethically sourced, making it an attractive alternative to traditional diamonds.

Q: Is moissanite jewelry suitable for everyday wear? A: Absolutely! Moissanite is one of the hardest known substances, second only to diamonds, ranking at 9.25 on the Mohs scale of hardness. This makes moissanite jewelry incredibly durable and suitable for everyday wear, ensuring that your pieces maintain their beauty and sparkle for years to come.

Q: Are your moissanite gemstones lab-created or natural? A: At Diamond Dreams, we exclusively offer lab-created moissanite gemstones. These gems are carefully crafted in controlled laboratory environments using advanced technology and sustainable practices. Lab-created moissanite offers exceptional quality, consistency, and ethical sourcing, providing you with peace of mind and stunning beauty.

Q: How do I care for my moissanite jewelry? A: Caring for your moissanite jewelry is simple! We recommend gently cleaning your pieces with mild soap and warm water, using a soft-bristled brush to remove any dirt or debris. Avoid exposing your jewelry to harsh chemicals or abrasive materials, and store them separately in a soft pouch or jewelry box when not in use to prevent scratching or damage.

Q: Do you offer customization options for moissanite jewelry? A: Yes! At Diamond Dreams, we understand that every individual has unique preferences and tastes. That's why we offer a range of customization options for our moissanite jewelry, including different stone shapes, sizes, and metal types. Contact our team to discuss your customization needs, and we'll work with you to create the perfect piece.